Earth-friendly flowers: Buying British

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Consumers across the UK and the world are starting to take more of an interest in the provenance of the items they buy. From food to clothing, buyers are becoming more and more keen to spend their cash on choices that are kinder to the environment. The same goes for buying flowers, whether for the home or gifting. Here at Bloom, we’re seeing a real increase in customers looking to treat themselves or a loved one to some lovely British-grown flowers. 

The environmental impact of large-scale flower growing can’t be ignored. Did you know that almost 90% of the UK’s flower sales are actually imported from other countries, in some cases as far away as Kenya and Ecuador? The average bunch of imported flowers has a carbon footprint that’s 19 times that of a UK-grown bouquet. By buying locally, you can help to reduce the environmental impact of the flower industry.

Buying flowers that are grown here in Britain has other benefits, too. By working with the natural climate here to grow flowers that will happily thrive in cooler, wetter conditions, growers help to support local biodiversity and provide sustenance for bees and other pollinators. Flowers that will grow in Britain’s climate tend not to need extra water, heat or lighting - they’re happy as they are! Even better? That shorter journey from field to vase means that once the flowers reach you, you’ll be able to enjoy them for even longer.

Isn’t Britain a bit cold for growing lovely flowers?

Simply put, no! Just look around you at the lovely gardens or woodland flowers next time you’re out and about. The UK climate is perfect for growing a huge range of beautiful blooms. 

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What are the best British flowers to buy?

British flowers are well-loved for their cottage garden, just-picked look. It’s hard to choose favourites, but there are a few reliable types of flower that are 

  • Tulips are commonly associated with Holland, but will happily grow here too. They’re available in a huge range of colours and are a truly iconic springtime flower.

  • Dahlias are a great choice for a UK bouquet, and there’s seemingly no end to the different sizes, shapes and shades these gorgeous flowers show up in.

  • Peonies look great in their own arrangement, with just a few stems together. When they bloom, you’ll be amazed by the sheer size of the flowers with their seemingly endless layers of delicate petals.

  • Roses can’t be beaten when it comes to classic beauty. They’re a British favourite for their stunning colours and heady scent, and there’s a huge variety of different types to choose from.

  • Daffodils herald the arrival of spring each year, and it’s a real joy to bring a bright bunch into the home after a bleak winter. As well as your classic yellow, there are paler shades, oranges and even soft pinks - try something new!

How can I find great British-grown flowers?

You don’t need to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of botany to spot flowers that are grown closer to home. Here are our top tips for finding British blooms.

  • Labelling on products. It isn’t essential for supermarkets to label where their bouquets come from, but many are proactive in shouting about their beautiful arrangements of British flowers. Just check the packaging. 

  • Ask your local florist to select British-grown flowers when you’re buying a bouquet for a gift or special occasion.

  • Find a local flower garden such as Bloom to purchase your bouquet from. This way, you know the flowers you’re buying are grown in local soil and haven’t had to travel very far to reach you or the recipient of a lovely gift! Perfect. 

  • Spread the word! Flowers are a really popular gift, so if you’re happy with the beautiful British blooms you’ve found make sure to let your friends know where to find them.

Thanks for your interest in buying UK-grown flowers, especially from our community garden. If you would like to order a bunch of our flowers you can do so here.

Written by Kerri Griffiths.


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