Bloom Affirmations X Bloom Sheffield Tote Bags!

Today we have launched a brand new product to help support our garden and mental health support groups! We teamed up with wonderful Elicia from Bloom Affirmations to created a limited edition tote bag. The illustration and affirmation has been designed especially for us and celebrates self-care and mental health. Our 100% organic cotton tote has been made using eco-friendly inks and hand pulled screen printing. As with all our products, all money raised goes back into the garden and into supporting women in Sheffield. I caught up with Elica to find out a little more about her and some top tips for writing your own affirmations.

How did Bloom Affirmations begin?


Bloom Affirmations began as a hobby. I wanted to connect with my creative side whilst also helping people, so I decided to start an instagram page and share my illustrations combined with positive affirmations. I wanted to make social media a more positive and uplifting place, as I know that it can sometimes cause a lot of comparison and damage self esteem. The page grew quickly and now it's pretty much my full time job!

Have you always been creative?

I suppose I have always been creative in different ways. As a young girl I used to love drawing, and I really enjoyed art at school. I lost this part of myself as I began to focus on more 'academic' subjects such as Maths and English, which I think happens to a lot of us as we go through the school system. I am so glad that I have managed to connect with this part of myself and also help people in the process.

Do you find being creative helps your mental health?

I definitely find that creativity helps my mental health. When I am illustrating or creating affirmations for Bloom, I am so engaged that I find it impossible to think about anything else. It's the perfect mindful activity that allows me to switch off from whatever else might be going on.

What are your favourite things to illustrate?

My favourite things to illustrate are definitely roses. There are so many different varieties and colours that I never get bored of drawing them. Rose is also my middle name, so I'm probably a little biased!

Can you tell us some more about writing affirmations?

Positive affirmations are a really powerful tool to help you feel better, calmer, and more grounded. We can often get swept away in negative streams of thought without even realising. Using affirmations when you realise what's happening is a great way to pull yourself back into the present moment and practice some self compassion. You can write them down in your journal, say them aloud or in your mind, or set reminders on your phone. The way we speak to ourselves matters, and affirmations are a great tool to help change your inner dialogue.

You can support us and buy your very own limited edition bag by clicking below! We only have a small amount, so be quick!


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