Autumn 2019 Open Days


Autumn has got to be the most secretly rewarding times of year in the garden. We say goodbye to the harvests, the frosts snatch away our blooms, and the leaves make their way off the branches and onto our compost heaps. But Autumn also provides a wonderful opportunity to clear away debris and begin making plans for next year.

We have had a lovely group of helpers come and do just that this autumn on our Social Sundays. We have made amazing progress with clearing the beds, laying paths and ripping up carpet!! We have also managed to plant some of our Spring bulbs. We have already planted daffodils, crocus, tulips and muscari. Our autumn sown seeds have also been nurtured in the greenhouse and have made a promising start. I will be writing a blog post all about those soon. It really has been wonderful to meet so many likeminded people who have come and helped us with our garden so far and they have not been afraid to get stuck in! We appreciate all your help, and we look forward to you enjoying the garden and all your efforts over the coming seasons.

We now only have one Social Sunday left of 2019. This will be on Sunday 17th November from 10am-3pm. All women are welcome. Please feel free to come and do as much, or as little as you would like.


Spring Garden Update


Volunteer Weekend 10th & 11th August 2019