International Women's Day 2022

As an organisation that supports women in our community, International Women’s Day is very important to us. We see the value in women-only spaces and the benefit of spending time together outdoors. We support women as women are a high-risk group; 26% experience a common mental disorder such as anxiety or depression and 64% of referrals to IAPT in England are for women. The ONS has shown a 21% increase in women's mental ill-health due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic; this is an urgent problem that needs early intervention to stop further increase and this is exactly what we do.

This year, the theme for IWD is ‘Break The Bias’.

Imagine a gender equal world.

A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination.

A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

A world where difference is valued and celebrated.

Together we can forge women's equality.

Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.

So this year we wanted to shine a light on just a few amazing organisations that are doing inspiring work to help women and girls. Without many charities and organisations such as these ones, many women would not get the help and support that they need.

Global Girl Project

Global Girl Project is an international initiative dedicated towards mobilising socially-minded and community driven girls from the Global South to become leaders and agents of social change. There innovative programs are designed to enrich skills-sets, generate self-worth and voice, and provide knowledge for these young leaders to implement their initiatives within their communities, thereby creating true societal change.

Snowdrop Project

The Snowdrop Project is a charity that provides long-term holistic support to empower survivors of human trafficking in the UK to recover from their past and rebuild their future. The Snowdrop Project exists to ensure that no survivor of trafficking has to rebuild their life alone. Last year they supported 124 survivors with the practical and emotional support they needed to move on from the trauma of their past.

Sheffield Maternity Cooperative

The Sheffield Maternity Cooperative is a collective of people who feel passionately about community support throughout the perinatal experience. They are midwives, birth workers, families and people who share a commitment to birth - the path to it, through and beyond - being a community event supported by culturally safe health care. 

They strive to support all aspects of reproductive healthcare, including abortion and baby loss of any kind - no matter whether your experience is current or years ago.


Globalmama is a social enterprise set up and run by refugee women in Sheffield to empower and support women of all backgrounds to become social entrepreneurs themselves.

They provide a varied programme of personal and professional development activities for women in the UK and in East Africa to equip them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to take the seed of an idea and grow it into a sustainable social enterprise.

Go and support these amazing organisations - you can volunteer, donate, or follow them on socials. Every little bit of support is so valuable.


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