Flower Crown Workshops

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Join Us For A Flower Crown Workshop

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We are so excited to be hosting two flower crown workshops to celebrate the summer solstice. Join us in the garden for tea, cakes, chats and LOADS of flowers. Pick your own flowers from the Bloom garden and let your imagination run wild. It’s going to be loads of fun and a wonderful way to celebrate the beginning of summer. I checked in with the Bloom florists and asked them all about summer flowers and what to expect at this floral bonanza! Click the button below to book your tickets.

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What can we expect from the flower crown workshop at the Bloom garden?

A very relaxed afternoon gathering flowers from the garden to create your own midsummer flower crown guided by us. Supplied with a glass of fizz to soak up some sunshine and be totally creative.

What are your favourite flowers to work with in June?

We love cornflowers, Aquilegia, Hesperis and Roses!

Why is using British flowers so important?

Using British flowers not only avoids the air miles involved in getting flowers from overseas, but ensures the flowers we use are the freshest they can possibly be - they have a longer vase life and are not treated with any chemicals along the way.

What inspires you?

I find every single woman who helps us here at bloom truly inspiring. I’ve never known a team of women so hardworking, passionate and all round heroes!

Do you find being creative benefits your mental health? If so, why?

Yes! In more ways than one. Being creative keeps my mind, body and soul active, focused and energised. Flowers especially are a total sensory experience which fulfil you throughout the whole process of growing, picking and arranging them.

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For every ticket purchased you are helping us continue supporting women in the community with their mental health. We are a not-for-profit organisation so all the money we raise goes back into the garden and running groups for women. It helps us keep our safe-space open and we are so grateful for all your support.


May Open Days Round Up


Join Us For Our Summer Solstice Celebration!