Bloom & The Gang: Lucy's Story


Lucy’s Story

Lucy’s journey with Bloom began when she initially came to the garden to take part in the Gardening To Feel Good groups. Since then, she has become a volunteer. This is her story, told in her own words.

Taking the first step

As somebody who struggles with crowded spaces, the idea of being outdoors with a small number of like-

minded people sounded perfect. I knew it was time for me to push myself and challenge my anxieties

around going to new places and meeting new people. I knew that I would find it easier to talk to people

whilst doing an activity like gardening.

Even though I felt anxious the first time I went, I am glad that I pushed through the anxiety and found

somewhere where I feel safe and supported.

My favourite tasks


My favourite activity to do in the flower garden was re-potting seedlings, as I find repetitive tasks quite

soothing. I wasn’t able to get involved in many of the physically demanding activities because of health

problems but this didn’t matter and there was always an alternative task for me to do.

Impact on wellbeing

After attending Bloom as a service user, I returned as a volunteer. Taking this step was huge for me and

since then, I have felt confident enough to return to work (something that I haven’t been able to do for

almost three years due to mental health issues). I have learnt that I can face my anxieties head-on, leave

the house, go to new places, meet new people and work again.

Future plans

Bloom helped build my confidence up and I felt ready to look for work again. I have just been offered a job

as a Mental Health Support Worker at a unit for females with acute mental illness. Although I can’t help with

groups, I would love to continue volunteering with Bloom and remain involved in any way I can.

‘I would tell anyone wanting to get involved with Bloom to definitely do it. It was the best decision I have made in a long time.’

With many thanks to Caroline, who interviewed Lucy and wrote up her interview.


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