We are delivering a schedule of seasonal horticulture and floristry workshops to help you get the most from your garden. This programme of events is aimed at beginners and for those who want to leanr about the foundations of growing flowers. Each session will be practical and hands-on and will allow you to get stuck in. The monthly break down is as follows:
Thursday 21st March 6.30pm-7.30pm - Get To Know Your Flowers Talk at TONCO Bakery
This session will help you identify the aims of your growing space and introduce you to the main plants and flowers that you can grow.
Saturday 13th April 10am - 12:30pm - Sowing Seeds at Bloom's Community Garden
Practising different methods of seed sowing and which seeds to sow now.
Sunday 9th June 10am-1pm- Cutting, Conditional and Arranging at TONCO Bakery
We will be teaching you how to cut flowers correctly and how to condition the stems. You will also be creating a hand-tied bouquet with guidance and tutorage from our in-house florist.
Sunday 21st July 10am - 12pm - How To Create a Vase Arrangement at TONCO Bakery
We will teach you how to create vase arrangements that can be used in any vase that you have at home.
Sunday 29th September 10am - 12pm - Bulb Planting and Dahlia Dividing at Bloom's Community Garden
You will learn how to plant bulbs for a maximum yield and how to lift, divide and store dahlias over the winter.Sunday 27th October Seed Saving and Drying Flowers 10am - 12pm - Location weather dependant.
We will be learning all about different techniques or drying flowers and how to save seeds. This session will be focused around biodiversity and growing an environmentally friendly garden.