Open Days Have Got A New Name!

Weekly get-togethers for fun and friendship

Want to meet some lovely people, learn new skills and just enjoy being outdoors? Come along to one of our weekly Gather and Grow session. Whether you come alone or with someone else, you’ll be part of the group from the minute you step through the gate – and there’s always plenty to do.

Our Open Days have had a re-fresh! We were aware that ‘Open Day’ didn’t quite capture what our sessions are all about, so they’ve got a new name - Gather & Grow Sessions! An opportunity to join us at the community garden, meet some lovely people and give gardening a go - no experience necessary.

Now we have the new garden, we have decided to do a Gather & Grow session at each site. Once a week we will be at Baby Bloom (our original garden) sowing seeds, deadheading, watering and potting on and the other session will be held at Big Bloom (our new huge garden). If you fancy getting stuck in with some digging and clearing, this is the place for you.

Meet Erin…

“I’m Erin and I run Gather & Grow sessions as part of my job at Bloom.

 Every session there’s always an array of gardening tasks that we work on together and tick off as we go! This usually includes, seed sowing, weeding, planting and sometimes a larger project that we'll work on over a few sessions. You'll be guided and work as a team through every task, so you feel confident and maybe learn something new!

We'll always stop for a tea break halfway through the session, this gives us a chance to relax in the garden and spark conversations together as a group - there's no pressure to get straight back to work, you can hop back into gardening whenever you feel like it!

My favourite thing about the Gather & Grow sessions is the sense of achievement we all feel afterwards. You don't have to have any experience in gardening beforehand but it's guaranteed to give you a boost in confidence and sense of accomplishment after a few hours gardening with some friends!”


Gardening Through The Seasons


Bloom & The Gang : Lorna's Story