March Open Day Round-Up

Spring has sprung and I can’t believe we have already arrived at the end of March! We have been gifted with some glorious weather over the past few weeks, although writing this blog post right now, I’m sat in multiple jumpers next to a plug in heater as it’s been snowing all morning for this first time in months!

Our first open days of the year started at the beginning of the month, as our garden was slowly waking up from the dark winter months. It has been so nice having so many wonderful women back in the garden working together to kickstart the growing season. Thank you to everyone who came and shared their time with us.


Sowing Seeds - We have sowed A LOT of seeds in March. It is probably one of my favourite tasks to do as it’s one of those super relaxing jobs you can sit down with a cuppa and get stuck into with a group of pals. It’s also a great job for those who would like to know more about plants. You come across so many different varieties and get to learn and distinguish between your perennials, annuals and biennials.

Planting Out - We’ve had trays full of hardy annuals ready to be planted out and face the last of the frosts. Our personal favourites are Cornflowers, Cerinthe, Sweet Peas and Corncockles. I think this is another task we’ve found to be a super enjoyable task to do together as a team.

Clearing the back of the plot - The back of the plot feels like the last piece of the puzzle to us. Throughout the last couple of years of having the space, we have worked our way down the overgrown land, cut back, cleared, dug over and enabled spaces for us to not only grow flowers but hang out, drink tea and learn new skills together - which is what we’re all about! We’re hoping to transform this space in particular into another social area in the garden. In the summer, it will be surrounded by fruit trees and herb beds - the perfect place to sit and take a moment to take in all that our flower garden has to offer.

Dahlias - The past couple of weeks we have been busy splitting tubers and planting them up ready to take cuttings. This is the first time we are trying this out. Taking cuttings gives you the opportunity to make multiple plants out of a single tuber we have dug up and split from the previous year.  We have also purchased some new varieties of Dahlias to try out this year which we have planted up in big tubs and kept in the green house.

I am so excited for the months ahead. We’ve got some great plans for April including: more planting out, staking beds and creating a bespoke brick border for our trailing rose bed. If you would like to join us for a cuppa and are up for learning some new skills click here to book onto an open day!!

See you soon! Erin x


What We Are Sowing in April


Secret Garden Update March 2022