Illustration Design Open Call!

Slowly but surely, the days are growing longer and the sunshine is gracing us with its presence after one of the toughest winters endured in a long time. Lockdown, we will not miss you - spring is finally here, and what a treat it feels!

It seems fitting that our gardens and public spaces are beginning to bud and bloom just as the first signs of normality are set to return (Rule of 6, we see you!). Like many, we’ve been seizing any opportunity to make the most of the outdoors; be it an early morning walk before work, or simply a quick cup of tea in the garden when the sun pops out between meetings - we need all the vitamin D we can get! We can’t wait to welcome our wonderful volunteers back to help develop and enjoy our cutting garden once again - see what we have planned for 2021 if you want to get involved. 

In fact, we’re so excited about getting back into the swing of things, we thought we’d get a little bit creative, and will soon be launching a new range of sweatshirts and t-shirts! We’re always looking for inventive ways to champion local talented female creatives; so we have called upon the brilliant illustrators, designers and artists at Sheffield Hallam University to submit a digital creation of their own, inspired by the themes of mental health, females, growth & empowerment, and, of course, flowers. If you’re a budding creative and this sounds like your kind of competition, feel free to get involved! Please email your creation to with a little description of your design. The closing date for submissions is Friday 30th April 2021Find out more here.

We will choose the final three designs and will be asking our local community to vote for their favourite. The winner will have their design printed onto our sweatshirts, featured on our website and promoted across our social media channels. Every penny of the money we raise from the sales of our new clothing range will go straight back into the garden and towards supporting female mental health in Sheffield. 

Keep checking in with us for updates on the competition via social media and our mailing list (sign up here if you haven’t already). The designs have already started popping into our inbox and we can’t wait to see more! 


What We are Sowing - April


How To Grow Dahlias