Illustration Competition!

Last month we launched a competition with Sheffield Hallam University and our amazing community of creative women to design an image to be featured on our new range of merchandise. The brief was to create a design that reflected Bloom’s mission and was to be based around the themes of:

Flowers, Growth, Women, Mental Health.

We have had a great response and it was so wonderful to see people’s work and hear what inspired them. We have put a selection of the entries below and the Bloom team have chosen a final five. Now, it’s up to you! We want you to vote for your favourite design and the winner will have their illustration printed on our new range of merchandise. Voting is open for 2 weeks and we will announce the winner on Saturday 29th May.

Thank you so much to everyone who entered and shared their skills and talents with us!

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Natalie Blehova

“The focus is on the present moment - working with hands and gardening - but also the surrounding environment, plants, leaves and fresh air. All these elements symbolise the positive effects of gardening on womens’ wellbeing and growth”

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Molly Kirk

“I went for a very straightforward approach, partially inspired by the daffodils in my garden and the joy they bring - encapsulating the togetherness of women within your project and the obvious gardening side through the tools” 

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Katherine Bevan

“I’ve found spending time in the garden and watching the life cycles on the plants has really helped me to ground my mind and body. I included the words 'breathe in breathe out' because I could not manage my mental health without them - I find focusing on breathing is fundamental to slowing down and being mindful of the moment”

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Megan Littlewood

“A relatively simple, (almost!) continuous line drawing of a woman in profile with a crocus growing inside her mind.”

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Grace Jandrell

“My idea was based mainly on growth, with the hands representing the support from your organisation and it’s members to nurture each other and your plants. The little figure in the centre is being encompassed not only by the hands, but also by the growing flowers. By having a flower as the head of the figure it suggests the positive impact on flowers and nature on our mental health.”:

voting has now closed!


What We Are Sowing - May


April Open Days Overview!