Can't Draw Club | A Lovely Chat With Steph Parr

We are so excited to be running some illustration workshops at the Bloom garden with Steph from Can’t Draw Club. We’ve had the idea of doing a creative workshop outside, inspired by flowers for a while now, but planning the solstice events line up made us put it into action. We are so lucky to have Steph join us and we can’t wait to see you all there. I caught up with Steph about creativity and being scared about giving drawing a go!

What drove you to start Can't Draw Club?

I had the twinkle (or persistent twitch), of the idea when I was doing my MA, and became more intrigued by the act of drawing than the finished drawn leftovers. I also wanted to invite more adults, who don't usually draw, to enjoy drawing as a tool for communication, in a sense empowerment, and a bit of fun.

What can people expect from a Can't Draw Club workshop?

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Not to produce anything of amazing beauty, it's all about taking part.

How do you get inspired to create a piece of artwork?

I’d say the main inspirations are irritations, observations, confusion, or because somebody I said “I would” to somebody.

Do you find that being creative helps your mental health? If so, how?

Massively! It’s probably the reason I started making stuff in the first place. To understand, digest or order things that are difficult, shitty or messy.

What would your advice be for someone who would like to start drawing more, but doesn't feel like they have enough skill or talent?

You don’t need skill or talent, just a room, table or half an hour, of your own. Also, don’t try make something that’s ‘good’, especially not ‘instagrammable’ - the killer. Rather enjoy the act for you and see where it goes. Practical advice: start with quick exercises, do it regularly and enjoy it.


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