2021 Open Days Information

We are so excited to announce that we will now be running open days every Saturday from 10th April for the flower season ahead! You can expect a bit of planting, tea drinking and lovely company, with lots of different activities to get involved in, including digging, weeding, and seed sowing. No previous gardening experience is needed – just come along and have a go! 

Each Saturday is split into two 3-hour sessions, you can sign up to join either the morning session from 10am-1pm, or the afternoon session from 1:30pm-4:30pm. You are welcome to join for as much or as little of the session as you like. There are very few spaces available so that we can adhere to social distancing measures. Please only register for a session if you can definitely attend. Once registrations are full, you can join a waiting list and if a space becomes available you will be notified. 

Sign-ups for April are now live on our Eventbrite page here. After April we will be releasing tickets to future open days on a weekly basis, so keep an eye on our website and social media pages for when these go live.

Amazing infographic designed and illustrated by Liv Rose Whitfield.

Amazing infographic designed and illustrated by Liv Rose Whitfield.

Meet Charlotte who will be running the open day sessions:

Hello, I’m Charlotte and I am the Open Day leader for Bloom Sheffield! I joined Bloom as a volunteer last year helping with open days and other general gardening bits. I loved it so much that I managed to convince Kendall to let me stay! I have lived in rented accommodation for several years, with no garden to call my own, but a forced change of circumstance meant I was able to move back to Sheffield last year and acquire a very small garden to finally have a go at growing some vegetables and flowers. I love seeing a tiny seed spring to life and produce something that’s several times its size in a matter of months! I’m still learning as I go along but being at Bloom has taught me so much already.

I can’t wait to welcome lots of you to the garden to continue learning and sharing knowledge!


April Open Days Overview!


What We are Sowing - April